DX FT8 notes

screen of dx ft8
Figure 1. DX FT8 screen (photo by WB2CBA).

DX FT8 - A QRPp 5 band stand alone FT8 transceiver with touchscreen GUI terminal (video by WB2CBA)

The "DX FT8" project is published as open source on the Github page of WB2CBA.

The computer part is a factory assembled Evaluation Board from STMicroelectronics with an integrated 4.3" touch screen. It can be purchased from Digikey and other sources.
The radio part is an assembled PCB containing the receiver and transmitter. Only a few leaded components are solder by the user.
The radio PCB is sandwiched onto the the Evaluation Board.
The radio part can be ordered from K5BCQ and paid with PayPal. You will be notified when the packet is shipped.

The radio part's circuit diagram V1.1 (PDF) is here.


Fig. 1. 




Written by OZ1BXM Lars Petersen oz1bxm@pobox.com. Revised 01-Oct-2024. 
